UPDATE 22.06.22 All servers are up and the data has been emailed.The server is online and in the client account on the site.
UPDATE 21.06.22 The new Server is ready, how to make changes to the client account to appear online, and you will also receive the data by email.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused, during the migration of the servers, they caught HDD, and our team is struggling to recover what was on the server.Otherwise all the services will be created from 0, following that each client of vps, vds services will receive one month for free.Those who have back up, please provide it so you can restore it.WE APOLOGIZE ONCE AGAIN FOR THESE DISADVANTAGES.
- Best Regards, John Robert Admin HosTCleaN Skype: SuportServere Email: admin@hostclean.net Website: https://wWw.HosTCleaN.Net